Make a difference today—Donate now to ensure safe and reliable transportation for low-income seniors and domestic violence survivors!

Travelers Aid Society provides free rides to medical appointments, cancer treatments, dialysis, grocery shopping, and other vital trips!

Make a difference today—Donate now to ensure safe and reliable transportation for low-income seniors and domestic violence survivors! image

A helping hand every step of the way—San Diego Gives 2024!

Lend a helping hand to Travelers Aid Society of San Diego! Support us in raising funds to provide essential transportation services for seniors and domestic violence survivors in San Diego County.

Meet some of our clients!

Meet Teri!

Teri has been a client of ours for about three years. She had been involved in a car accident, and lost her form of transportation. Due to the accident, she no longer had a vehicle to get around; she could not drive, and needed physical therapy to help her get stronger. Without reliable transportation, Teri would not have been able to attend all her medical appointments. With the help of Travelers Aid, Teri was able to attend her medical appointments, and—most importantly—physical therapy. Teri now uses public transit and walks independently without the assistance of a cane or walker!

Meet Earl!
Earl relocated from Savannah, Georgia to San Diego in 2022 to undergo cancer treatment. He faced challenges due to the lack of reliable transportation for his numerous medical appointments. In November 2022, Earl joined our program, which provided him with the transportation he needed to attend all his cancer and medical-related appointments. Today, Earl is living cancer-free! He still battles other medical issues, but because of our help, he is able to navigate public transit and live his life independently.

We have been quite busy in 2024!

  • We have 1,767 active clients in our senior service programs, providing 163,300 one-way passenger trips.
  • We have shared information about our services and programs with 30,559 individuals. We assisted 201 domestic violence survivors and their children with transportation and wrap-around services.
  • At the Santa Fe Depot, our Tourism Ambassadors assist travelers and visitors with their questions and provide travel tips, including the best train routes, bus lines, and travel methods, as well as recommendations for attractions and places to stay in San Diego.
  • Ambassadors have made over 25,000 contacts and referrals just this year!

Watch the video below to hear Richard's story!